New Weatherproof Charger from CMP
Chloride Motive Power has introduced a new range of weatherproof chargers designed for use outdoors for such applications as airports, railway repair yards, retailers, wholesalers, DIY distributors or any other sector that has an electric vehicle fleet predominantly working outdoors. These specialist chargers may negate the need for a dedicated indoor charger room.
The Weatherproof chargers have an IP rating of 44; the first ‘4’ relates to protection against foreign solid objects with a diameter of over 1mm - such as fingers, wires and screwdrivers. The second ‘4’ relates to protection against liquids sprayed from all directions by rain and wind (but not under pressure, such as by pressure washers). The charger is available within the range of Regulated chargers (RP). RP chargers incorporate micro-processors with specialised software which manage the current. This is more energy efficient and does not suffer some of the problems which can be experienced by tapered chargers if a battery charging regime is not being followed correctly and by mains voltage variation. Regulated (RP) chargers can be used on all three of CMP’s battery technologies – ‘Classic’ flooded, low maintenance ‘Liberator’ battery solutions and maintenance-free ‘Sonnenschein’ gel batteries.
The Weatherproof charger also features protection against vermin, who may be attracted by the warm dry conditions in the cabinet. It features a ‘trap’, which will not allow them into the inner workings of the cabinet but will allow them to escape outside the unit. The charger is made from heavy-duty galvanized steel and has stove enamel paint – so that the charger will not rust and can withstand the rigours of outdoor life.
A high visibility perspex flap allows workers easy access to the controls and allows quick visual inspection without the need to raise the panel. It also has an integrated isolator so that it can be independently disconnected from the mains without the need to access the interior of the cabinet.
For further information on the CMP charger range, telephone 01204 661460.
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