Chloride Motive Power (CMP) has provided batteries for a project utilising an innovative method of teaching school children about conservation and water issues – a floating classroom. The converted barge will be used across West London to teach students about local and global water issues, environmental preservation, water safety and increase their knowledge of the local community. Three schools have been studying the geography and biology of the Grand Union Canal in London, and comparing their findings with the River Ganges in India.
CMP supplied three vented lead acid batteries from their ‘Classic’ range which will provide power for the Elsdale II’s engine, lighting and computers. Four bespoke battery chargers have also been supplied to a joint specification between CMP's UK Technical department and the customer; they will charge the batteries overnight at Pickets Lock, Uxbridge - through a standard mains supply.
The education project is a partnership between Groundwork West London and the charity A-Rocha. CMP’s John Mulville, Service Manager was involved with the barge’s refurbishment and comments; “This is a great way of teaching children about conservation issues in a hands-on and exciting new way. The fact that the vessel will be non-polluting emphasises the importance of ’clean’ power sources to what may be the engineers and opinion-formers of the future. This was a rewarding project and the first of its kind for CMP’s Technical Department because it involved working closely with a number of consultants and the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency.”
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