The outstanding performance, durability and flexibility of the Gast Group’s range of oil-less rocking piston air compressors and vacuum pumps makes them the ideal choice for numerous industrial, food & beverage, healthcare and automotive applications.
The rocking piston range – which comes in standard, twin, and miniature styles – is available with air flow rates to 9.35 m3/h (3.4 lpm to 5.5 cfm), vacuum capacities to 31 mbar (29 in. Hg) and pressures up to 12 bar (175 psig). Corrosion resistant and tank models are available as well as a complete range of recommended accessories. Bespoke versions can also be manufactured to special order for OEM quantities.
For worldwide applications, dual-frequency, shaded-pole and permanent split capacitor (psc) electric motors with AC multi-voltages are available. Brush and brushless DC models are also available in 6, 12, and 24 volt formats, with horsepower for both AC and DC models ranging from 0.04 to 0.37 kW (1/20 to ½ HP).
The lightweight, rugged design and quiet operation of the rocking pistons makes them ideal for applications including oxygen concentrators, beverage dispense, body fluid analysis, automotive suspension, dental vacuum ovens, vacuum frames and core drilling.
For further information on the Gast Group’s range of rocking pistons, call 01527 504040, email or visit
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