CMP Batteries launches product grading scheme at IMHX 2007
CMP Batteries, part of the Exide Technologies Group, unveiled its product rating classification system at IMHX. ‘Concern for the environment’ was the main theme of the stand and the new grading scheme is the result of extensive, cutting-edge work by the company’s engineers and designers. There is no current system in existence and the intention is that it offers the same transparency as the energy rating system adopted by manufacturers of electrical goods such as washing machines. This will allow customers to make an informed choice on the right energy solutions for their business, taking both the commercial and environmental impacts into consideration.
CMP’s extensive range of batteries and chargers are now rated on two criteria: energy usage and recyclability. Each product is rated between one globe for the least efficient, and seven globes for the most efficient - allowing the customer to make an informed decision. Energy rating is based on labour, carbon dioxide emissions and water consumption. Recyclability rating is based on life expectancy and the percentage of the product that is able to be recycled at the end of its life.
Nigel Darke, Business Director of CMP Batteries, Ltd., Industrial Energy UK commented, “We have invested a great deal of time and money in developing batteries, chargers and ancillary products that optimise efficiency to deliver cost and environmental benefits to customers. Our new grading scheme will make this totally transparent to customers. Then, at the end of a product’s life, we are ensuring that most components from our batteries and chargers can be recycled.”
Nigel continued, “Increasingly, customers are interested in their carbon footprint because they need to reduce production costs and because their customers, in turn, are demanding environmentally-sound production solutions. This can actually be a win-win situation but it may involve a change of thinking. For example, the most energy efficient may not be the cheapest product – but when you look at the ‘whole life’ costs, great savings can be made. It is therefore beholden on us to highlight the energy cost savings to all relevant parties. The capital budget and the energy budget may be the responsibility of different individuals, so we need to inform a number of individuals within the same organisation about the savings that can be obtained.”
For further information on CMP’s products and the grading scheme, contact 01204 661460 or email
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