Hutchinson Engineering has been awarded EN1090 for CE marking. Its welders are a fully qualified team to BSEN 9606 accreditation and our responsible welding coordinator is certified to BSEN 14731.
What is EN 1090?
This is a legal requirement for aluminium or structural steel CE marking to show compliance with a harmonised European standard.
What does this entail?
The implementation of a quality management system has the documentation and procedures to ensure traceability and confidence in the manufactured product. A responsible welding coordinator is required with specific training to be completed. Finally, welders must be fully qualified along with the welding procedures. It is necessary to have a welding procedure for each different type of weld.
Quality, traceability and capability
Fabrication has been a key service since Hutchinson’s formation in 1971 it has invested over £200,000 in the latest surface tables, jigs, and IT software to allow full traceability. A growing portfolio of services includes tube laser, flatbed laser, and turned components.
With craneage facilities, Hutchinson offers customers fabrication solution for projects such as chassis assemblies, conveyors, agricultural and forestry equipment, inspection machines and walkways.
Quality control is at the heart of Hutchinson Engineering. Its rigorous procedures ensure that consistent strength and finish are maintained on all welds and its quality lab is fully equipped with the latest measuring and verification technology. Hutchinson’s measurement suite includes a Faro arm, Inspecvision machine, along with traditional jigs and fixtures. Its bespoke MRP has a vital part to play in delivering our quality standard. Every detail of a customer order, including quality specific requirements, are visible at each stage of the production process; unique barcodes ensure that quality alerts are always top priority.
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