AP Technologies has taken on the distribution of the CalSensors brand of lead-salt detectors and thermal IR emitters.
CalSensors, an ITW company originally based on Santa Rosa, CA, was merged with sister-company Opto Diode in 2014.
Production of the CalSensors photoconductive Lead Sulphide (PbS) and Lead Selenide (PbSe) detectors along with their steady-state and pulsable thermal IR emitters has been moved to ODC's new 50,000 square feet state-of-the-art wafer fabrication and packaging facility in Camarillo, CA.
Cal Sensors SCD-13 and SCD-15 IR detectors are manufactured via well established and superbly controlled processes, and because of their proven performance, have become the infrared detectors of choice for most system manufacturers worldwide. The detectors are sensitive in the 1-5.5 micron wavelength region and are used in a wide range of applications:
• Medical & Environmental Gas Analysis
• Thermal Imaging
• IR Spectroscopy
• Industrial Process Control
• Flame & Spark Detection & Combustion Control
• Non-Contact Temperature Sensors
• Moisture Analysis
• Measurement of coatings and oil films
The detectors are offered in standard or custom packages in single element, multi-color, and array configurations. Options include spectral filters, thermoelectric coolers, and temperature sensors.
Cal Sensors also developed a range of thermal steady-state and pulsable infrared emitters which are offered in TO-8 and TO-5 packages.
The Cal Sensors’ products will continue as a brand of infrared detectors and emitters in the Opto Diode portfolio of products.
Comment: Hydrogen requires a long-term mindset
Hydrogen does have and will have its uses. There are always "nay sayers" but these should not be confused with those raising issues that...