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Video of the week: Roborace to take vehicle autonomy to Level 5

This week’s video comes from CES 2018 where Bryn Balcombe, chief strategy officer at Roborace, explains how Nvidia’s technology will help to deliver Level 5 autonomy to the new motorsport series.

Level 5
Image by Chief Design Officer Daniel Simon / Roborace Ltd.

Roborace aims to pull away from circuit-based racing with a new format that will see autonomous cars racing against one another whilst simultaneously negotiating other forms of road traffic.

The successful delivery of autonomy at speed will translate into safe autonomous vehicles for the rest of us, or so the theory goes.

Roborace is now making use of Nvidia’s Drive Pegasus platform, that will allow the car to better integrate essential equipment such as LiDAR, machine vision cameras and the GPS inertial system.