Crystaltechnica launches a range of durable and robust Silicon Nitride heating elements into the European market. The comprehensive range includes elements suitable for domestic and industrial heating, liquid heating and automotive applications.
All of the elements are manufactured from Silicon Nitride, offering unrivalled strength and reliability. Unlike older Silicon Carbide elements, Silicon Nitride is impervious to chemicals and can be used in the most demanding environments.
Available in a range of voltages and wattages, they are the perfect solution wherever fast, reliable and energy efficient ignition or heating is required. This makes them the perfect choice for a range of scientific applications, such as mass spectrometers, surgical and scientific equipment. Other applications include: micro-turbines, pyrotechnics, pellet burners, vehicle heating systems and diesel glow plugs.
The full standard range consists of five element styles below:
Glo-stix® 120-400
• Time to 1200oC <12 seconds.
• Voltage 120 volts.
• Power rating 400-500 watts.
• Suitable for powerful applications.
Glo-stix® 120-160, 80-120, 24-50, 12-40
• Time to 1200oC <6 seconds.
• Range of voltages and wattages.
• High energy efficiency.
• Also suitable for use as a flame sensor.
Mini-liteTM 24-30, 12-20
• Time to 1200oC <2 seconds.
• Range of voltages and wattages suitable for 24 volt and 12 volt power sources.
• High energy efficiency.
• Also suitable for use as a flame sensor.
Mini-liteTM 6 volt
• Time to 1200oC <2 seconds.
• Designed for use with a 6v battery pack.
• Ideal for mobile applications such as RV and micro turbines.
• High energy efficiency.
• Also suitable for use as a flame sensor.
Liquid heating element
• Available in 120 volt and 220-240 volt.
• Available in 1500 watt, 2000 watt and 2500 watt.
• Sterile and unaffected by lime scale and most chemicals.
• Designed for use where a liquid is heated to a constant temperature or brought to boiling point including food production and handling, water heating and oil heating.
Diesel Glow plugs
• Available in a range of voltages for automotive use.
• Silicon Nitride element is housed in stainless steel.
• Can be custom made to fit any application.
Bespoke Silicon Nitride components can also be manufactured to order for highly specialised applications demanding the unique benefits of a Silicon Nitride ceramic component.
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