For the successful transportation and refining of crude oils, a whole raft of additives are required. These vary from simple surfactants through to complex blended scale and corrosion inhibitors. The chemical additives are injected in small quantities at high pressure and are critical to the whole refining process. Consequently, careful monitoring of their addition to any process is essential. Petrochemical additive injection fluids vary in both viscosity and density, and any flowmeter installed into a plant should be able to cope with a wide range of physical and chemical properties. Titan’s Oval Gear range of flowmeters, with standard models in 316 stainless steel, aluminium, and PEEK materials, and pressure ratings from 50 bar to 700 bar, offer excellent chemical resistance whilst maintaining high performance and 0.1% repeatability. For hazardous areas either the Namur sensor or the reed switch (simple apparatus) may be used. For OEM specific application, alternative features are available with material, mounting and high-pressure options.
Further Information:
Prime minister announces increase in defence spending
Support required for improved, affordable and more capable manufacturing - not pouring funds at large companies and possibly fuelling (as public...