Inspection of lifting means is a requirement and often a time consuming process which can result in missing goods, errors and safety breaches if the goods are not documented correctly.
RUD Chains RFID technology has been specifically designed to track and identify applications quickly and effortlessly making inspections and documentation of products a quick and easy process, leaving dated time consuming, manual documentation behind. RUD supply all their lifting means with the RFID chips already embedded into their products.
The RFID technology enables you to track, identify, inspect and trace all your equipment. The components are embedded with a RFID chip and given a unique identification number which is then tracked through a RUD-ID-Easy-Check reader. The reader captures the unique identification number and transfers it to the RUD-ID-Net application on your PC so that you can easily manage your documentation and administration of your products.
RUD’s RFID technology means that chain slings and components can now be effortlessly and quickly identified without errors, and the Product Identification Number can be easily registered and managed. RFID continues to evolve as major technology advancement across industries where safety is paramount: such as offshore, construction, manufacturing, engineering and many more.
RUD will be exhibiting at Offshore Europe, DSEI & Engineering Design Show Visit us for more information.
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