Relec Electronics has the answer with Bel Power buffer modules - an exciting new alternative to replace the traditional use of batteries in DC UPS systems.
Batteries are a standard solution for systems requiring DC holdup in the event of a mains failure but, despite the long-established technology, present several problems:
They require a dedicated charging circuit
Require protection against deep discharge
Need to be replaced over time
Risk of theft
Environmentally unfriendly
The LDX-B20 and LDX-SC12 are designed to replace batteries in DC UPS systems and offer the following main benefits:
Maintenance free
High reliability
Easy to use - simply connect to PSU unit
Parallelable for increased back-up time
The buffer problems can overcome all the problems associated with traditional battery power supplies listed above.
Engineering industry reacts to Reeves' budget
I´d have to say - ´help´ - in the longer term. It is well recognised that productivity in the UK lags well behind our major industrial competitors and...