Small unilamellar liposomes/vesicles (SUVs) are spherical structures < 100 nm bound by a single lipid bilayer, which are used as carriers for targeted drug delivery. The detergent-removal method of SUV preparation consists in generating a mixture between amphiphilic lipids and a detergent, then removing the latter by dialysis.
In an experiment run by Anton Paar, by monitoring both the size and the zeta potential of particles it was possible to determine the optimal ratio between phospholipids and either taurocholic acid (TA) or sodium cholate (SC) detergents for SUV generation. Furthermore, the dynamics of SUV formation during the detergent-removal process could be investigated by performing measurements before and after different dialysis steps.
Click on the link above to download the full document and to learn about the results of their experiment.
PM outlines action plan for artificial intelligence
Orwellian! We are living post 1984 too.