Two substrates, thin film transistor (TFT) arrays and colour filters, are common components of liquid crystal display (LCD) panels. Spacers are used to keep the gap between them consistent, so that the liquid crystal material can be injected evenly inside to ‘do its magic’. The mechanical properties of these spacers exert great influence on the finished display’s robustness and image quality.
The most common kinds of spacers used in TFT LCDs are bead (spherical) and column (patterned by lithography) type spacers. The collapse strength, recovery rate and height uniformity of those spacers play a major role in keeping the gap stable and, thus, the panel in good condition.
IEA report shows nuclear sector booming despite costs
Delays, in the UK, over approval of nuclear, seem to be the major issue (such as for SMRs). The report is about market finance and does not address...