Mouser Electronics is now stocking PIC32MM microcontrollers, a low-power and cost-effective range of 32bit PIC32 microcontrollers from Microchip Technology.
The PIC32MM product group bridges the gap between Microchip’s PIC24FXLP and PIC32MX ranges and is the PIC32 features core independent peripherals, designed to offload the CPU for lower power and lower system design.
The range comprises flexible, cost-effective microcontrollers that consume minimal power and feature small form factors. The devices are based on the microAptiv UC 32bit core with five-stage pipeline and a MIPS32-enhanced architecture, which are integrated with the compact microMIPS instruction set and a shadow register set to enable a 79 CoreMark score at 25MHz. Additionally, the microMIPS ISA combines 16bit and 32bit instructions for compact code size.
The PIC32MM devices offer 64Kbytes of flash memory and 8Kbytes of RAM, two analogue comparators with input multiplexing, a 5bit digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) and a software-selectable 10/12bit analogue-to-digital converter (ADC).
For applications demanding low power and longer battery life, the PIC32MM devices feature sleep modes down to 500nA while retaining RAM. They include core independent peripherals — such as configurable logic cells (CLCs) and multiple-output capture compare PWMs (MCCPs) — which help enable LED dimming and sensorless brushless DC (BLDC) motor control applications.
The PIC32MM range is supported by the Microchip MPLAB Code Configurator to help simplify and accelerate designs in embedded applications such as Internet of Things, environmental monitoring, fitness devices, industrial control and portable medical devices.
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