Industry 4.0 is more than a vision of the future. Intelligent networking is a huge opportunity for industry. Flexible production can help to optimise the use of industrial plants. Customised products can be made on mass production terms, increasing the productivity of the plant.
Nevertheless, many companies are still hesitant to embrace Industry 4.0 for their own production operations. According to the McKinsey Institute study Industry 4.0 — How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector, 2015 only six out of 10 companies in Germany feel they are ready for Industry 4.0, even though 91 per cent perceive the digitisation of industrial production as an opportunity. We would like to change all that, and offer solutions and products for Industry 4.0 to companies worldwide. Because the topic of Industry 4.0 is coming increasingly sharply into focus in the international arena, too: the continuing process of globalisation in particular renders it necessary to prepare the way for integration through the digitisation of production processes along the entire value chain.
Opinion: Energy moonshot needed for UK to become AI superpower
Beware the false promises of the snake-oil sales-people. AI has a purpose and place and is not appropriate for everything. It promises much at the...