30 January, 2025 - A clean air supply is vital to the efficiency and sustainability of many industrial operations, in particular those with a sensitive product. Atlas Copco offers a choice of monitoring solutions to help customers maintain the quality of their compressed air and enjoy the reassurance that the standard remains constant. The Air Quality Monitor with SMARTLINK can provide accurate, real-time assessment of air contamination levels on site and enables users to undertake their own air quality analysis. In addition, customers can subscribe to the Air Quality Plan, under which Atlas Copco will undertake all air quality monitoring via the Air Quality Monitor, raise alerts when interventions are required, analyse data trends, and offer recommendations to optimise compressed air quality.
On-site air quality monitoring
Periodic inspections only highlight issues within a compressed air system at a particular point in time: they do not provide the continuous assurance necessary to avoid production losses and equipment downtime. By contrast, Atlas Copco’s Compressed Air Quality Monitor (AQM) continuously measures air contaminant levels to ensure that air quality is being maintained.
Featuring the latest sensor technology in an easy-to-use plug & play package, the AQM provides 24/7 monitoring of compressed air quality in compliance with ISO 8573-1. This all-in-one device automatically measures the three most vital parameters for clean compressed air: particulate, dew point, and oil vapour. An integral data logger captures all air quality parameters.
Users can set alarm points to get warnings when one or more of the contaminant levels reach a specified limit. An external light or siren can be added to the alarm as well, if required: a useful option in noisy or congested environments.
Particle, dew point and oil vapour contamination data are stored and accessible via Atlas Copco’s cloud based SMARTLINK platform or by using the local visualisation screen. Users can analyse the obtained values, build graphs, identify trends and store the received information. All parameters and notifications can be checked remotely, and monitoring settings are fully customisable.
The AQM is housed in a rugged IP54 wall-mounted cabinet and is easy to install. Its plug & play design means that set-up simply involves connecting the Monitor to the power and compressed air supply. The AQM is highly reliable and is designed for minimal maintenance or downtime, as the calibrated sensor frame is easy to replace.
“The AQM is an ideal solution for operations looking to replace periodic compressed air quality testing with continuous, real-time monitoring,” says Gareth Lees, Optimization Manager, Atlas Copco Compressors UK. “For those looking to outsource air quality monitoring 24/7 and obtain more sophisticated data analysis, with the ability to check both current and historical air quality data, our comprehensive Air Quality Plan is ideal. It is particularly beneficial for manufacturers of food products, electronics and pharmaceuticals who have industry standards to comply with and cannot risk product rejects or recalls.”
Comprehensive service
Atlas Copco’s Air Quality Plan (AQP) means businesses no longer need to worry about the quality of their compressed air. The AQP is a real-time monitoring contract that is compliant with ISO8573-1 and offers customers comprehensive support to keep air quality on track. Offering total peace of mind, the AQP means sensitive equipment is protected, and product quality is assured, safeguarding your business reputation.
The subscription-based contract includes the supply and installation of an Air Quality Monitor, a SMARTLINK licence, and regular maintenance support of the AQM, including a Calibration Certificate each time the calibrated sensor frame is replaced. The live data is sent to the SMARTLINK platform, where it can be accessed securely by Atlas Copco to check if your air quality is within specs. Any drop in air quality beyond the agreed parameters raises an automatic alert, triggering an action before the problem can escalate.
In addition, Atlas Copco’s diagnostics centre uses powerful predictive analysis tools to dive deeper into your data to obtain detailed insights and trends over time. AQP subscribers receive recommendations based on this analysis indicating how to improve their air system further. Building the recommendations into a maintenance plan will drive further efficiencies, enhancing productivity.
“High-quality compressed air ensures product integrity, operational efficiency, equipment longevity, and compliance with health, safety, and environmental standards. Atlas Copco offers customers flexible solutions for maintaining compressed air quality. Our products and services ensure that the appropriate level of air quality monitoring is constantly in place, whether the aim is to respond quickly to any contamination incident or to integrate air quality monitoring within a wider predictive maintenance strategy,” concludes Gareth.
For more information on Atlas Copco’s Air Quality Monitor and Air Quality Plan, click here.
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