Hosokawa Micron has announce the launch of a new twin, buggy filling and weighing, containment booth, designed to handle safe, easy and accurate FIBC filling.
Designed in co-operation with a leading detergent manufacturer to meet the demands of the high-volume product transfer of potentially sensitising powders, the containment system is uniquely configured for automated filling of FIBCs located on a wheeled buggy frame.
The booth is connected to the customer’s HVAC system to generate a horizontal laminar airflow that captures airborne particulates generated in the filling operations. The contaminated air is then extracted through the combined booth plenum to a remote filtration system.
Double opening doors at the front of each booth allow easy access for the manual loading of the FIBC buggy. As the buggy is pushed into position the FIBC lid is automatically lifted, eliminating the need for an operative to undertake this procedure by standing on a step ladder. Guide rails ensure accurate positioning beneath the downward sealing filling head. Once the buggy is in position (defined by a sensor) a mechanic clamp device holds the wheeled buggy in place.
Doors are interlocked to prevent unauthorised entry whilst filling operation takes place.
On disengagement and removal of the buggy from the filling and weighing system, the FIBC lid is closed.
Accurate filling and weighing is controlled from outside the booth and once filled the FIBC buggy can be wheeled away with operatives protected from potentially sensitising or hazardous, residual airborne dusts.
The booth incorporates a single rear, personnel door for safety and ease of all-round access and maintenance. The booth is equipped with integrated weigh scale, internal lighting and integral dust monitoring system.
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