Alarm Management  101, what you need to know!

Omniflex has more than 40 years experience in the design and manufacture of alarm annunciators and has been instrumental in their development from relay logic to microprocessor controlled SIL Rated Alarm Annunciators.

The aim of an alarm system is to prevent, or at the very least minimize, physical and economic loss to plant or people through operator intervention in response to a plant condition that has occurred thus making the necessary corrective action optimizing production.

Alarm management has new meaning in major process plant disasters of recent years, such as Buncefield, Chernobyl, BP Texas City, Bhopal and 3 Mile Island to name but a few.

Collaborative work by large process companies, vendors and industry organisations like the Electrical Equipment Manufacturers and Users Association (EEMUA) and the Instrumentation Society of America (ISA); accepting the need for an alarm management strategies; and applying new technology and standards to the process, companies can achieve multiple benefits. These include better productivity, quality improvement,  a more motivated and responsible staff, improved profitability and efficiency while minimizing the potential liability of management.

Definition of an Alarm

An alarm is classified as an event to which an operator must react, respond and acknowledge (not simply acknowledge and ignore) and no plant should have more than 6 such alarm occurrences an hour [EEMUA 191 guidelines].

If you have more than that you have got it wrong!

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