The ADAM-5550KW is a Programmable Automation Controller designed for control tasks which require Industrial PC computing performance with the PLC's robustness.
The ADAM-5550KW is an 8-slot PAC, which enables the user to choose from temperature input, analog and digital I/O or relay modules to suit a particular applications. Further channel expansion or connection of motion control modules is enabled using Modbus RTU via the RS485
Ethernet connectivity enables operation as a Modbus/ TCP server or client for integration with a SCADA software package such as DAQFactory or Wonderware
ADAM-5550KW uses an on-board CPU with control specific features such as watchdog timer, battery backup RAM and deterministic I/O. ADAM-5550KW features 5 standard IEC61131-3 programming languages in CE 5.0, so PLC users can develop control strategies with their own familiar programming languages. The powerful Multiprog KW Software and stable ProConOS have allowed ADAM-5550KW to become the best choice for a Programmable Automation Controller on the market today. With the optional HMI Software and built-in VGA port, no longer will users be required to build up additional SCADA PC's in their applications. This compact and powerful PAC is ideal for a variety of applications ranging from machine automation to SCADA applications
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