Comment: The evolution of human-machine interfaces

Daniel Nunn, senior software engineer, ByteSnap Design explores the key trends in the Human-Machine Interfaces sector and the issues that embedded software engineers face when developing HMI products.


Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) have evolved dramatically, transitioning from simple buttons to advanced voice commands, as exemplified by devices like Alexa. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in HMI technology has grown1. Valued at £5.2bn in 2023, the global HMI market is expected to surge to £7.7bn by 2028, reflecting demand for technology that simplifies communications with machines and increases productivity.

AI revolution: Shaping the future of HMI

Artificial Intelligence is set to redefine HMI design by making user interactions more natural and intuitive. Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning will continue to enhance voice-controlled interfaces like Siri and Google Assistant, providing more personalised and context-aware interactions. Emerging technologies, such as depth-sensing cameras and sophisticated gesture recognition, are poised to create more interactive and immersive experiences across various applications, from virtual reality to automotive systems, where innovations will allow for safer and more intuitive controls.


As AI technologies evolve, they are expected to significantly improve accessibility in HMIs, offering new ways for individuals with disabilities to engage seamlessly with systems through enhanced voice controls and adaptive interfaces. Future AI-driven systems will likely include more advanced predictive text inputs, real-time captioning, and even more responsive voice assistants.

Integrating AI into HMI systems presents significant technical challenges, particularly for embedded engineers. One major issue is the optimisation of AI models to function effectively within the resource constraints typical of embedded environments, such as limited processing power and memory. Engineers must also tackle data privacy and security concerns, as AI-enhanced HMIs often process sensitive user information and require robust protections against breaches. Additionally, the variability of real-world conditions poses a considerable challenge; AI systems must handle diverse user interactions, including various accents, languages, and unpredictable environmental noise, which can affect the accuracy of voice-controlled interfaces. Engineers need to develop adaptable and resilient AI models that maintain high performance and user experience in these varied contexts.

AR-enhanced HMIs

Augmented reality (AR) and spatial computing are delivering significant advances for HMIs. A key trend is enhancing workplace safety by providing instant machine information and allowing safe practice of emergency procedures. Real-time data overlays in AR applications project current system data onto real-life environments, ensuring users have up-to-date operational information.

In the automotive industry, AR-integrated heads-up displays (HUDs) merge navigation and vehicle diagnostics into the driver’s view, enhancing safety and convenience. In healthcare, AR improves procedural precision by overlaying critical data during operations and training, enabling greater accuracy. Industrial settings benefit from AR through real-time maintenance instructions and diagnostic data on equipment, improving efficiency and reducing errors. AR also enhances medical training by offering step-by-step procedural guidance and access to manuals.

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) into Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) introduces several complex challenges that engineers must address to ensure effective implementation. A key issue is achieving real-time performance with low latency, crucial for maintaining the seamless overlay of digital content onto real-world environments. Engineers must also manage the high processing demands of AR within the energy constraints of embedded systems, which often limit the scope of possible applications. 

Ensuring accuracy in the digital overlay requires precise calibration of AR systems with physical spaces, which can be difficult in dynamic or uncontrolled environments. Additionally, developing intuitive and accessible user interfaces that can smoothly transition between AR and non-AR inputs is essential for user acceptance and practical usability. Engineers also face challenges in safeguarding privacy and security, particularly as AR HMIs may access and display sensitive information in visible, potentially public spaces. 

Touchless interfaces: A hygienic and convenient trend

United Airlines recently introduced their "Touchless ID" technology, which allows pre-approved users to navigate security at Chicago's O'Hare and Los Angeles International airports by simply scanning their faces, bypassing the need for physical IDs or boarding passes. This advancement is a prime example of the growing demand for touchless interfaces, driven by a need for enhanced hygiene and convenience.

Touchless technology is quickly becoming essential across multiple sectors, signalling a shift towards safer and more efficient operations. In healthcare, these systems are vital for maintaining sterile environments and minimising contamination risks. Retail environments are adopting touchless payment methods to enhance customer safety. Similarly, in smart homes, touchless controls for lighting, climate, and entertainment systems are becoming increasingly popular, meeting the demands of users who prioritise convenience and accessibility.

AI algorithms are set to enhance the functionality of touchless systems further, improving voice controls and facial recognition technologies. However, the effectiveness of touchless technologies varies, influenced by factors such as the quality of AI implementation, environmental conditions, and the specific technologies employed.

Integrating touchless technology also introduces several electronics design challenges: optimising limited processing power, ensuring precise sensor integration, reducing latency to enhance responsiveness, and maintaining consistent performance across varied settings. Moreover, developing intuitive user interfaces, safeguarding biometric data privacy, managing costs effectively, and creating robust software are critical challenges that must be addressed.

Haptic feedback: Feeling the virtual world

Haptic feedback is closely linked to HMIs as it enhances the way users interact with machines by adding a tactile dimension to digital experiences. The global haptic technology market was valued at $5.8bn in 2022, and is projected at growing at a CAGR of 11.5 per cent from 2023 to 2032. The market is expected to reach $17.4bn by 20322. 

Haptic feedback, a technology that simulates the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user, is already present in phones and game controllers, and is poised for broader application in VR training, such as surgery, allowing users to feel the pressure applied to virtual objects. This enhances the realism and effectiveness of training environments. In surgical training, for example, haptic feedback simulates the tactile sensations of operating on real tissues, helping trainees develop precise motor skills and understand different tissue types. 

For instance, a glove and armband that gives people with upper limb prosthetics a sense of touch through haptic feedback is in development at the University of Bath, with a unique at-home trials set to begin in summer 20243. 

Beyond medical applications, haptic feedback is being developed for aviation, automotive, and robotics. Pilots use VR systems with haptic feedback to simulate cockpit controls, offering a safer and cost-effective training method. In automotive, haptic technology enhances driver assistance systems with tactile alerts for potential hazards. In robotics, it allows operators to manipulate objects remotely with greater accuracy. Advances in haptic technology, including improved actuators and control algorithms, enable more nuanced tactile sensations, expanding its applications and offering immersive training and interaction experiences across industries. 

Developing embedded systems with haptic feedback presents several challenges for engineers, including managing high power consumption and integrating haptic components within compact spaces. Cost considerations are critical, as adding haptic technology can increase production expenses. Engineers must also ensure low latency for realistic feedback, design durable and reliable haptic actuators, and develop precise control algorithms for effective haptic effects. Additionally, creating an intuitive user experience and conducting extensive testing and validation are essential to ensure the haptic feedback enhances rather than detracts from the user interaction.


As HMIs become more intuitive and immersive, the convergence of advanced technologies such as AI, AR, and touchless interfaces is transforming everyday interactions. These technologies offer significant opportunities to enhance user experiences in sectors like healthcare, automotive, and consumer electronics. However, realising their full potential requires collaborative efforts across multiple disciplines, including electronics, software engineering, user experience, and cybersecurity. The continuous refinement of these technologies will further enable personalised, accessible, and secure interactions, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in human-machine communication.

Daniel Nunn, senior software engineer, ByteSnap Design



