University scientists have developed machinery so sophisticated that they can drill a hole narrower than a human hair.
The engineers at the
The holes were ‘drilled’ at
"Standard rods (used in EDM machines) available commercially are capable of making holes of 150 microns. Although lasers are able to make small holes, these are of poorer quality when compared to the EDM process. Lasers make holes that taper, whereas EDM makes parallel or vertical holes," said the Centre’s marketing director Frank Marsh.
The process is achieved by creating a minute electrode, with a diameter of only 6 microns (0.006 mm), which was itself produced by manufacturing a highly precise wire electrode discharge grinder.
"It is thought that the Japanese conceived such a grinder in 1985 and subsequently a paper stated that they have made an electrode of 5 microns (0.005 mm) in diameter, however no further evidence has emerged," added Marsh.
The University believes that the ability to produce such quality tiny holes in any conductive material represents a significant advance in mechanical engineering and will benefit designers in the medical and laboratory sciences.
Oxa named autonomy provider for SAMS project
I saw this kind of system working in Holland well over a decade ago. It seemed to work well. Best of luck for the project.