Aberdeen marine power group Green Ocean Energy has announced that it is set to secure a statement of feasibility for its innovative Wave Treader device.
The device attaches to the transition piece of an offshore wind turbine (the section that connects the pile foundation with the tower) and potentially enables offshore turbines to generate both wind and wave energy. Consisting of a fore and aft arm and sponson attached to the transition piece the machine is able to both rotate and move vertically in the waves. The motion of the wave strokes hydraulic cylinders which pulse hydraulic fluid.
The feasibility statement, awarded by Industry regulator, DNV, will take the device a step closer to the full certification required to commercialise the technology. According to a company spokesman DNV certification provides independent acknowledgement that Wave Treader can effectively and efficiently generate power.
Construction of a full scale prototype is expected to be completed towards the end of this summer with testing scheduled to begin in the summer of 2011. The company is also developing a second device, the Ocean Treader, which is designed for standalone use in ocean wave systems.
September 1935: Class A4 locomotive enters service
And your last sentence continues to this day!