SRT Marine Technology
has received an order worth £0.5m for its AIS Class B OEM receiver and transmitter system from electronics company
TCBin China.
Chinese government agencies are using AIS to improve safety and security on inland waterways and near coastal regions.
SRT estimates that China has more than 200,000 locally registered vessels that may be required to fit AIS by 2011.
Simon Tucker, SRT's group managing director, said: 'AIS is truly a global standard and is being used by authorities around the world to improve maritime safety and security. Having already installed a sophisticated national network of base stations, China has become one of the leaders in this respect.
‘TCB has been working with us for a number of years and we are confident that the combination of our advanced, low-cost technology and TCB's powerful local market position will lead to further orders in the future. With a potential market of 200,000 units over the next three to four years China presents another large opportunity for us.'
Bath-based SRT develops and manufactures core wireless technology and product solutions for homeland security communication, and maritime identification and tracking applications.
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