Produced by Red Bull (who else?), A Door In The Sky sees French skydivers Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet - known as the Soul Flyers - leaping from the top of Switzerland’s Jungfrau mountain and rendezvousing with a Pilatus Porter light aircraft mid-flight. The pair are able to ‘fly’ through the alpine sky with the help of their wingsuits, losing just a couple of metres of altitude per second.
Fugen told The Engineer that the wingsuits come from an American manufacturer called Squirrel, and the model used in the video is the Freak2. According to Squirrel's website, the Freak2 has compression inlets for lower drag and better internal pressure, as well as a wingtip profile gripper that increases the lifting surface of arm wing.
In the video, the Fugen and Reffet use the suits to control their flight, diving through the plane's door - which measures just 1.6m x 1.25m - at speeds of around 140km/h. As always, Red Bull's production is top notch. Watch the full video below, and keep an eye out for some failed practice attempts at the beginning.
Comment: Autonomous construction requires open data standards
The UK is particularly well served with topographic data thanks to the Environment Agency´s LIDAR programs, specifically the composite digital terrain...