The Subcon show is fast approaching, and with 300 exhibitors now confirmed, many of whom are veterans of the show, the organisers decided to head around the UK to find out why some of the UK's leading suppliers return to Subcon again and again.
Goodman Metal Works
‘Our best subcon story is meeting a customer we hadn’t seen for about three years; literally two weeks after the show he gave us a £20,000 order’ - Richard Goodman
Grenville Engineering
‘Visitors to our stand have identified who they want to talk to, so we can have meaningful conversations about their problems and identify a suitable solution for them’ - Atia Bukhari
Lucy Castings
‘We keep coming back to Subcon. It’s the biggest focus for us through the year. Subcon visitors are looking for new suppliers that are going to benefit their business over and above what they’ve got at the moment.’ - Graham Farmer
‘Subcon is the right mix of visitors and varied industries. Subcon is a great platform in which to meet customers face-to-face and drill down to what they actually need.’ - Mark Tyrtania
Disused oil wells could enhance compressed air storage
Even better is to burn gas in the turbine duct, like Huntdorf and Macintosh do. The efficiency of the gas component is massive. The attraction of...