Leeds University and China’s Zhejiang University have announced a strategic alliance aimed at tackling some of today’s major global energy challenges.
Formed under the Worldwide Universities Network, the partnership will see both universities involved in joint international conferences, joint funding applications, exchange opportunities for research staff and post-graduate students, and activities with global industrial partners.
The alliance will operate under the name UoL-ZJU International Centre for Sustainable Energy Sciences and Technologies and will address issues such as carbon capture, sequestration, pollution control, clean coal utilisation and alternative fuels.
The two universities will also draw on their expertise in associated research areas in particle, environment and chemical engineering to develop environmentally-friendly technology in fuel and solar cells.
In addition to creating greater research and funding opportunities, the centre aims to promote the use of energy efficient technologies in society and industry.
Prof Mohammed Pourkashanian, at Leeds University’s Faculty of Engineering, said: ‘By coupling innovative engineering researchers with unparalleled research facilities, we are equipped to address engineering solutions to key global energy issues more quickly and effectively.’
Leeds University’s pro-vice chancellor for Enterprise, Knowledge Transfer and International Strategy said: ‘The leaders, Prof Pourkashanian (UK) and Prof Cen (China), are world-renowned in their own right and will be able to involve energy companies in the UK and China to foster new partnerships.
‘We are pleased that this initiative will also strengthen the longstanding relationship between Yorkshire and Zhejiang regions as the cities of Leeds and Hangzhou – where Zhejiang University is based - have been twinned for more than 20 years.’
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