Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Toyota Tsusho Corporation have received orders for four gas turbines from the Egypt-based West Delta Electricity Production Company (WDEPC) and the Middle Delta Electricity Production Company (MDEPC).
WDEPC and MDEPC are both building gas turbine combined-cycle (GTCC) power generation plants that are slated to go on-stream in July 2009.
The gas turbines on order will be installed at WDEPC's existing Sidi Krir power station located approximately 30 kilometres west of Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, and at MDEPC's El Atf power station, some 60 kilometres west of Alexandria. The El Atf power station will be newly built on vacant property formerly occupied by a power station.
Each new GTCC power plant will have a generation capacity of 750MW and will comprise two 26.5MW gas turbines, a steam turbine, three generators and two heat recovery steam generators (HRSG).
MHI's Takasago Machinery Works will be responsible for supply, installation and overall coordination of the gas turbines and their auxiliary equipment. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation will provide the generators.
Power Generation Engineering & Services Company (PGESCo), a local power plant engineering and consulting company, will be responsible for the co-ordination of the civil engineering work.
Prime minister announces increase in defence spending
Support required for improved, affordable and more capable manufacturing - not pouring funds at large companies and possibly fuelling (as public...