TS 740 enhances Heidenhain’s touch trigger probe range

High accuracy and repeatability are taken as read when it comes to touch trigger probes, and that is certainly the case with Heidenhain’s latest development. The TS 740 workpiece probe also features an innovative design to create a low probing force along with an infra red system to transmit the trigger signal to the machine control.

Heidenhain uses three high-precision sensors arranged between the contact plate and the probe housing to obtain the trigger pulse through force analysis. This method ensures extremely homogeneous probing accuracy over 360 degrees, with precise trigger characteristics in all directions.

The functionality of these newly developed sensors is completely different from the optical sensors that are traditionally used on touch trigger probes. Each sensor makes use of three piezo-electric elements, and when probing takes place the forces act on these elements to generate a ‘charge’ that is detected by the electronics and converted into the trigger signal.

The result is a probing accuracy of = +/- 1 micron and a probing repeatability of 2 d = +/- 0.25 micron, making the TS 740 one of the most accurate 3D touch probes available. The use of low probing forces is sometimes associated with a higher sensitivity to noise and false readings.
However, the TS 740 is designed in such a way as to eliminate this potential problem. The stylus is rigidly connected to a moving contact plate, which in turn is fitted into the probe body under
pre-load. This pre-load is such that the fastest of machine movements, such as tool change, does not cause accidental deflection of the stylus.

The result, as far as the user is concerned, is a touch trigger probe suitable for all modern machine tools/CMMs. In summary, the new TS740 feature higher probing accuracy and repeatability at lower probing velocity and forces, with the next generation Heidenhain electronics reducing the probing cycle time while extending battery life.

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