has recently been selected by the French Ministry of Industry to build a wind farm in
, following a tender issued in April 2004.
The project will be developed by Eoliennes de Mounès, an equal joint venture between Total and partner Harpen, a subsidiary of
Located in the Aveyron region, the 90 MW Belmontais project will comprise 30 wind turbines. According to Total, it will make a significant contribution to the development of wind power in
In addition, some 100,000 metric tons a year of CO2 will not be discharged into the atmosphere. This investment of around €100 million is expected to generate nearly 160 jobs during the construction period and around 20 when the project comes into operation.
Under the terms and conditions of the tender, project implementation is subject to the granting of a building permit. A series of information meetings and stakeholder dialogues will take place during this process and the project will be submitted to a public inquiry. The wind farm could be on stream in 2008.
Prime minister announces increase in defence spending
Support required for improved, affordable and more capable manufacturing - not pouring funds at large companies and possibly fuelling (as public...