Ford is expanding its manufacturing and sales activities at flagship sites in
Demand for Dagenham-built low CO2 engines has triggered a steep rise in 1.4/1.6 diesel engine production and taken the site's output beyond one million engines a year. Since 1.4/1.6 assembly began last year, around 500 manufacturing specialists have been recruited by the plant.
Nearby, Ford-owned Dagenham Motors has opened what it claims is the company's 'greenest 'UK dealership, a £5.3m complex featuring a wind turbine, rainwater collection for car washing and the recycling of waste engine oil for heating.
Dagenham's 1.4 and 1.6 diesel engines are among new Ford cars emitting less than 120g CO2/km.
Following the installation of wind turbines at Ford Dagenham in 2004, Ford claims more than 6,500 tonnes of CO2 a year have been are avoided by the site's existing two turbines. A third turbine will be added in early 2009, which will enable Dagenham Diesel Centre to remain 100 per cent wind powered.
Dagenham Motors' new East London headquarters also incorporates a wind turbine, a rainwater harvester providing water for car washing and sanitary use, and a workshop heating system operating on waste engine oil. Latest wall and roof cladding further reduce energy consumption through improved insulation.
Dagenham Motors, together with all Ford dealerships in the
Ford will be the first auto manufacturer in the
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