Texas Instruments
(TI) today announced what it says is the industry's most linear 16-bit, successive-approximation (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
The ADS8372 features 16-bit no missing code performance, 600kSPS data rate, less than 0.75 LSB (max) integral nonlinearity (INL) and less than 0.5 LSB (max) differential nonlinearity (DNL) over the entire industrial temperature range (-40C to +85C).
The device is suitable for real-time applications in automated test equipment, medical imaging, optical networking, high-speed control loops and high-resolution data acquisition systems.
It also provides a complete solution with an on-chip reference and reference buffer, allowing signal linearity without requiring active external components.
The ADS8372 features a fully differential, pseudo-bipolar input range and includes a 16-bit capacitor-based SAR ADC architecture with inherent sample and hold, 4.096V internal reference, internal reference buffer and conversion clock. The device offers a CMOS, SPI-compatible serial interface with clock speeds up to 40MHz. A pseudo-differential, unipolar version, the ADS8370, is also available.
Other key specifications include +/-0.2 ppm/C offset drift, 94 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 120 dB spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) and 110 mW power consumption at 600 kSPS (only 15 mW during nap mode and 10 uW during power down).
The ADS8372 is optimized to work with TI's TMS320 DSP platforms. TI also has a range of amplifiers, such as the THS4031 and THS4131, which are well suited to drive the analog inputs of the ADS8372.
A RoHS-compatible "Green" device, it comes in a 6 mm x 6 mm QFN-28 package, and is available now from TI and its authorized distributors. The ADS8372 is priced starting at $13.00 in 1,000 piece quantities (suggested resale pricing). Evaluation modules are available.
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