E.ON has given a £1,800 grant under its new SOURCE community initiative towards the cost of installing a solar water heating system at the Monkey Sanctuary Trust in Looe,
The Monkey Sanctuary Trust is an educational and environmental charity that promotes the welfare and conservation of primates, and attracts over 30,000 visitors each year.
The grant will be used to help pay for a solar water heating system that will be used at the Sanctuary's visitors café.
Jane Branscombe, community relations manager with E.ON, said: ‘We're delighted to be able to contribute towards this exciting project for The Monkey Sanctuary Trust as part of our new SOURCE scheme, which is designed to help community groups get sustainable energy projects off the ground.
‘They're looking to reduce their environmental impact in a number of different ways, including reducing any unnecessary energy usage, and the solar water heating system will help the Sanctuary to achieve this in a cost effective way.’
This project is part of an ongoing project at the Sanctuary to introduce sustainable heating, water and energy generation systems, and waste disposal to all of the site's buildings and systems.
It is expected that the water heating system will save the emission of up to one tonne of carbon dioxide each year. Similarly, cost savings which will allow more Trust money to be spent directly on the charity's educational and environmental aims.
E.ON launched its SOURCE fund in 2007 to help with the costs of sustainable energy projects for community buildings.
The next deadline for applications for funding is Friday 25 April, 2008.
More information about SOURCE can be found here.
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