It's the perfect christmas present for the wannabe blacksmith.
Designed by a Mr John Bauer of Barnes, the handy appliance was, reported the Engineer, unlike bellows forges in that 'it [was] not injuriously affected by tropical heat, excessive cold or moisture.'
Explaining its operation, the magazine wrote that the the draught was produced by an 8in fan operated by a single treadle motion.
The article added: 'The hearth and fire pan are made of asbestos — specially treated to resist wear and tear — and other light material.'
In the design of the system the article claims that particular attention has been paid to keeping the size of the appliance down, an essential quality for a portable forge. 'With this object in view, the hood is contructed so that it can be folded down to enclose and protect the forge when not in use.'
The system was also apparently easy to maintain. 'the construction…is such that in case of breakage of any part it can easily be repaired with material obtainable in almost any situation at small cost and with little delay,' says the article.
It goes on to explain that 'Adjustable brackets are provided by which bars, tubes, or tools may be supported in any desired position while being heated. A further advantage of the forge is the claim that in case any bits of fuel should find their way into the fan they can readily be removed by taking it off.'
September 1900 The portable forge

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