Due to the tremendous growth of our Scrubs Hand Cleaner Towels and to meet customer demand, Magnaflux has moved it bucket production to Barplas part of RPC Group the
In moving production the turn around time for delivery of customer's orders will significantly improve, and will enable us to keep up with the customer demand for Scrubs.
Distributor demand for Scrubs both in Europe and the
Feed back from our distributors on the new bucket is very good, and the projected outlook for sales in 2008 is already on target.
For more information on our Dymon range of products, please visit our web site www.scrubs.co.uk or telephone us on 01793 524566.
We are sure that you will be impressed with our product range.
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C2I 2024 STEM initiative winner: Weston College
In my first year at a ´Technical Grammar´ School age 11 the metalwork curriculum included making a number of small projects using lathe, pedestal...