The findings have been revealed from an in-depth study by Scottish Enterprise into the economic impact potential of the proposed CCS developments at Longannet, Peterhead and Hunterston.
The proposed facilities, if fully developed, will test and demonstrate the technical and commercial aspects of CCS technology to then allow the deployment of CCS in existing and new fossil-fuel power plants.
The study found that up to 4,600 direct and indirect jobs could be created during the construction phase to 2020, with a further 454 operational jobs supported during the operational lifetime of the demonstration facilities.
Similarly, up to £2.75bn of Gross Valued Added (GVA) could be added to the Scottish economy during construction, with an additional £535m per annum over their operational lifetime.
It has been estimated in separate research that CCS could support up to 13,000 new jobs by 2025, including exporting Scottish-based skills and technology across the world.
Ayrshire Power is proposing to build a multi-fuel power station at Hunterston, North Ayrshire.
It is estimated that the 1,852MWe power station with CCS could meet the electricity needs of up to three million homes.
The company claims that its proposed facility would create more than 100 professional engineering jobs in Renfrew, around 1,600 construction jobs in North Ayrshire at the peak of the construction phase and approximately 160 once the plant is up and running.
A key technology in the fight against climate change, carbon capture and storage also offers big opportunities for British industry. Click here to read more.
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