Boeing has been awarded a $49.2m contract, including options, to upgrade communications onboard
The US Air Force Electronic Systems Center awarded the contract under a foreign military sales agreement for the integration of Link 16, a digital data link that Boeing claims to allow military aircraft, ships and ground units to securely exchange their jam-resistant tactical pictures in near real time. Furthermore, as well as allowing text messages to be exchanged, Link 16 contains additional channels for digital voice.
Installation and checkout of the system on the first Saudi AWACS aircraft is scheduled to begin in December at Boeing’s site in
The fleet upgrade is scheduled for completion in December 2009.
AWACS is currently installed on military 707 and 767 aircraft.
Study finds rooftop solar can deliver bulk of global electricity
I told the Minister for energy some thirty years+ ago to do this. I said to put P.V. on all of the roofs in the UK that face southish position. I got...