Ensuring that the physical layer of your data centre is working effectively and efficiently is now becoming a main priorty. As today it is not simply enough to hope that systems are performing productively, Rittal introduce RiView, a new service which offers existing data centres a comprehensive health review. The non-intrustive systematic analysis will identify any current or potential problem areas and offer recommendations to remedy the situation.
Conducted by a trained data centre consultant a detailed series of checks are performed that encompasses areas such as power continuity, system constraints, hot spots, inefficient layouts, security, power supply under-provisioning and other vital operations. An extensive report is produced identifying areas which may need attention along with recommendations on how to improve the potential problems. Even minor recommendations can lead to improvements in cooling capacity and power consumption.
RiView will also examine and forecast future requirements of the data centre and detail the requirements of any enhancements that will be needed. IT systems by their very nature grow organically and RiView offers a service that can ensure the physical layer does not restrict future expansion.
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C2I 2024 Automotive winner: eVITA
I think this vehicle will have uses beyond wheelchairs. The ability to wheel a heavy object into a vehicle would be very useful to the rest of us. ...