Mobile ‘phones are not associated with an increased risk of the most common type of brain tumour, finds the first UK study, led by the
University of Leeds, of the relationship between mobile ‘phone use and risk of glioma.
The four-year study by the universities of Leeds, Nottingham and
According to a statement, there was no relationship for risk of glioma and time since first use of a mobile ‘phone, lifetime years of use and cumulative number of calls and hours of use. Risk was not associated with ‘phone use in rural areas which was found to be associated with an increased risk in an earlier Swedish study.
A significantly increased risk was found for tumours which developed on the same side of the head as the ‘phone was reported to have been held but this was mirrored by a decrease in the risk on the opposite side of the head making it difficult to interpret as a real effect.
This finding may be due to people with glioma brain tumours linking mobile ‘phone use to the side of the tumour and over reporting the use of a ‘phone on the same side as their tumour. This results in under reporting use on the opposite side of the head, say the authors.
Mobile ‘phones have been available in the
Early mobile ‘phones were designed to use analogue signals and emitted higher power than current digital ‘phones but the study showed no increased risk of glioma brain tumours with the use of analogue ‘phones.
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