Experienced rotary and linear specialists evolve their range of motion control products to include intelligent mechatronic assemblies.
With more that fifty years experience in the design and manufacture of precision components, Reliance Precision Mechatronics LLP is now utilising this experience to design families of new motion control assemblies using their ingenious intelligent Reliance Cool Muscle motor with the latest in closed loop integrated motor technology.
These new assemblies include:-
• The Reliance Cool Motion Slide - available in lengths up to 1.4 metres, these compact slides combine the high speed and linear accuracy of a screw driven slide with the intelligence of a integrated motor.
• The Reliance Cool Muscle Racktuator® - a compact and lightweight linear actuation system with the option of solid or hollow racks.
• Planetary Gearboxes - with interfaces designed to suit the Reliance Cool Muscle motor these units provide an economic solution where high efficiency, low backlash and long life are required.
The Reliance Cool Muscle Motor, available in NEMA sizes 11, 17, and 23, has unique abilities to network with other motors performing synchronised or simultaneous complex coordinated motion. In 2007 the RT3 version of the motor was released with the new capability of sharing I/Os and using mathematical notation to perform movement.
Reliance’s attention to quality and accuracy is demonstrated across their motion control range. The new assemblies will further strengthen their relationship with the medical and scientific industry where their products are often used in multi-axis, pick and place and high speed precision applications.
In 2008 Reliance Precision Mechatronics LLP is planning to exhibit the motor’s genius at various exhibitions including Drives and Controls in Birmingham and Precisiebeurs in Veldhoven.
For further information visit www.rpmechatronics.co.uk or call Mechatronic sales for technical advice on +44(0)1484 601060
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