This April, Future Tech Now Show London will feature a cutting-edge Enterprise Zone that will uncover how industry is using immersive technologies, AI and robotics to revolutionise training, manufacturing and design.
The show hosts a specialised area that focuses on future tech products and training experiences for enterprise. One of the most exciting areas in the show is the Automotive Garage, where the DETC will be demoing multiple vehicle and engineering immersive experiences.

Although we’re not yet able to announce the exclusive content they’ll be revealing at the show, the DETC team have told us it will be a ‘world-first fully immerse vehicle driving experience’ -
“Starting from the time the user puts on the headset, the idea is to give a glimpse of the quality of the vehicle and once the user is fully engaged in the vehicle, the experience becomes more immersive and more realistic”Kevin Rampersad, The Digital Engineering & Testing Centre
As Britain enters The Fourth Industrial Revolution, if you’re interested in learning how your business can boost productivity, reduce skill shortages, increase sales and reduce costs with immersive technology, the conference on Thursday 05 April is for you.
With speakers from The Institute of Directors, Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and show sponsors Innovate UK, KTN & Immerse UK, you’ll be given future-proofing tools to unlock the true potential of your business.
As part of the government’s Industrial Strategy plans, a £33m challenge fund has been launched for the UK’s creative industries. Innovate UK & Immerse UK will be on-hand at the show, both to offer private 1-2-1 funding sessions and to host a top line panel that will give companies an insight into how they can secure funding for the future.
Immersive technology is impacting multiple sectors - many of which are already leveraging its immense power to speed up design processes, reduce errors, enhance recruitment, become more competitive, improve training, plug skills gaps and reduce risk.
Future Tech Now provides an incredible opportunity to get hands-on with some of the world’s most cutting-edge tech and connect with industry leaders all in one space.
However, the show isn’t focused solely on enterprise – our content crosses multiple industries and business sectors. You can explore our incredible showfloor, and connect with a range of brands and businesses that are at the very forefront of tech development.

Discover the latest in HP’s powerful Z Workstations range and Z VR Backpack, request a private 1-2-1 with their team and understand the full potential of VR.
Visit Teslasuit as they make their UK premier at the show - The Teslasuit is a futuristic hi-tech bodysuit that is set to revolutionise multiple industries. This incredible haptic suit will have a number of demo spaces at the event where attendees can experience it for themselves and understand what it feels like to be fully immersive in a virtual world.
Don’t forget to have some fun while you’re at the show - grab a seat at the Vocktail Bar and try a drink of the future. The Vocktail uses a combination of electrical currents on the tongue and colour to stimulate taste sensations, tricking the mind and creating a completely personalised drink.
You can also watch a fully immersive film in at the 360° Movie House, ride the Happy Finish Shard Slide, visit the 21st Century Hospital or check out our Immersive Art & Fashion galleries.

Future Tech Now brings together the key players from the immersive technology, robotics and AI ecosystems, and with high-level conferences running alongside the show, it’s set to be the UK‘s most influential Future Tech event of 2018.
Find out more and get tickets at
Use the discount code ENGINEER to receive 10% off your ticket price.
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