In a letter originally reported in The Times, and since widely reported by other outlets, the regulator warned that Russia’s war in Ukraine is leading to the possibility of a “gas supply emergency” that could potentially lead to supplies being cut to the gas fired power stations that supply around 40 per cent of the UK’s electricity.
In last week’s poll we asked a simple question: Is your business preparing for this eventuality? Yes or No?
As always, please do expand on your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page. If industry does face blackouts this winter, what impact could they have on your business? If your business is preparing for this scenario, what measures is it taking? And if you're not doing anything, is it because you're confident that electricity supplies will be unaffected, or that you're not sure what actions you could be taking. Join the debate below.
UK homes more suitable for heat pumps than expected
Hello Gordoun, you can use a simple empirical formula to estimate COP (my own analysis, unpublished, based on the Building Research Establishment...