Comtech Mobile Datacom, the Maryland-based subsidiary of Comtech Telecommunications, has received $1.5m in initial funding against a $2.7m order for the US Army’s satellite network and ground station expansion work.
As part of the US Army Communications Electronics Command’s (CECOM) Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below - Blue Force Tracking programme (FBCB2-BFT), Comtech will test and deploy improved beam processing HUB equipment for specific parts of the satellite network. In addition, Comtech will provide equipment and services to allow the army to use the INMARSAT 4 satellite constellation.
The FBCB2-BFT is a programme for a real-time situational awareness and control system.
Comment: How to avoid the pitfalls of MedTech
Excellent run through of the travails of innovation in medtech. Talk to people on that path in the UK and they will recount the hassle that goes with...