The MoD’s Research Acquisition Organisation has awarded Qinetiq a five-year, £9.3m contract to work with industry and academic institutions to reduce the risks of developing Electronic Surveillance (ES) technology.
Qinetiq, in partnership with industry and academic experts, will focus on limiting the risks of raising technology readiness levels (TRLs) and future procurement of the ES technology. The research program will also address the need for ES in land, air and sea systems, including Listener, Soothsayer, Helix, Shaman, Eddystone and WatchKeeper.
‘In this partnership, Qinetiq will engage closely DEC(ISTAR) (Director Equipment Capability Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) staff and Integrated Project Teams to ensure that the work remains closely coupled to the needs of the equipment programme,’ said Steve Brittan, managing director of Qinetiq’s Spectrum Solutions business.
The research plan will draw on Qinetiq’s previous work on ES technology, such as the TigerShark airborne system, to create both manned and unmanned platforms.
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