Dynaflex Pro/Tire Module from Maplesoft provides real time dynamic vehicle simulation
DynaFlexPro/Tire enables accelerated, improved and real time modelling and simulation of vehicle dynamics for automotives and off the road applications. This tool is more comprehensive, covering the three main tire models, and is also more accurate because it uses symbolic math computation.
Maplesoft announced a Tire Module for DynaFlexPro™, the Maple™-based tool for modelling and simulating the dynamics of complex mechanical multi-body systems such as mechanisms, robots and machinery. DynaFlexPro/Tire enables full dynamic vehicle simulation and includes physical modelling of the three main tire force models on the market (Fiala, Calspan, and Pacejka’s magic tire formula), whereas other similar products include just one. Users need not provide an approximation of the tire parameters; they only have to incorporate the pneumatic tire model data in order to simulate vehicle behaviour, independent of the tire force model. Kinematic quantities, such as slip angle, longitudinal slip and inclination angle are derived as optimized computational sequences.
Now users can develop very efficient, high-fidelity models of mechanical systems for use with Simulink®, Real-Time Workshop and HIL test systems that facilitate the development of new vehicle designs, including active sub-systems and their electronic controllers.
Comparable products in the market today use computationally-intensive numeric algorithms that lead to long calculation times and increased chance of errors. They also render real-time simulation impossible for high-fidelity models. On the other hand, DynaFlexPro simplifies the equations and symbolically generates equations of motion for the mechanism. This results in a quick exact-form representation of the mechanical system that is completely parameterized, error-free and rapidly evaluates numerically, making the model ideal for real-time use. It uses Maple’s powerful math engine, the result of 20 years of research by hundreds of math scientists.
The Tire Module also works with a graphic user interface, DynaFlexPro/ModelBuilder, to enable the rapid creation of system models using block diagrams and drop-down menus.
“We wanted to ensure that engineers in the automotive industry focused on tire manufacturing, chassis/suspension design, stability control, off-road vehicles and heavy-duty mobile equipment with pneumatic tires. We also wanted to ensure that researchers in vehicle dynamics and control have the most cutting-edge tools available to efficiently and effectively design the safest and best vehicles”, said Maplesoft CEO Jim Cooper.
Optional features of DynaFlexPro/Tire allow the user to control how the tire slip and rolling radius are calculated and to include tire transients through differential equations involving relaxation lengths. In addition, DynaFlexPro Tire module still benefits from DynaFlexPro export capabilities. It can be used to export the model to other tools such as MATLAB®/Simulink®, MATRIXx™/SystemBuild™ and LabVIEW™.
Availability and Pricing
DynaFlexPro is priced at 2080 € and DynaFlexPro/Tire at 2600 €.
Products are available from Maplesoft’s International Partner :
Adept Scientific plc
Amor Way, Letchworth, Hertfordshire
Tel: +44 1462 480055
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