Sixty eight per cent of manufacturers are likely or very likely to establish or significantly expand their operations in
in the next five years.
Despite pressures such as product safety concerns, rising labour costs, increased cost of raw materials and higher inflation affecting operations, according to a survey by Deloitte’s Manufacturing Industry Group,
The figure rises to 84 per cent of manufacturers with revenues in excess of $1bn expecting significant expansion in
Of those planning to invest in China, 82 per cent expected to invest in production operations, 78 per cent plan to expand their sales and distributions operations whilst 44 per cent expect to invest in research and design.
Jane Lodge, UK Manufacturing Industry Leader at Deloitte, said: ‘The evidence is clear:
will remain at the forefront of operations for global manufacturers. However, the events of this summer and the increasing cost pressures will make them more aware of some of the potential risks of operating in emerging markets.’
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This ignores guidance on how speed limits should be set. Councils are required to do a traffic survey and set the speed limit to suit the speed that...