Last week's poll: Tidal lagoon power

Plans for new products to generate energy using tidal lagoons in Wales, Somerset and Cumbria have been unveiled. What role can this sort of technology play?


We had a strong response for last wee’k poll, with 1035 respondents. Of these, the largest group, 50 per cent, chose not to pick one of our suggested options: judging from comments, this was because they were all perceived to be too negative (which wasn’t the intention). Backing up this conclusion, the largest response to a suggested option was 36 per cent for all contributions to energy demand being significant, no matter how small their proportion of total demand; 9 per cent said that such schemes need energy storage back-up to bank power generated during tides at low demand periods. All other options attracted support below 5 per cent of the total.

We have made these projects the subjects of our next reader Q&A, go here to submit a question to the project engineers.