Just over a third (35%) of respondents to our poll took the view that Cameron should be wary of alienating foreign investors wanting to use British skills and know-how as a springboard into the EU, and just under a third (30%) agreed that industry is so heavily entrenched within the EU that its relationship within it should remain unchanged.
Under a quarter (24%) took the view that the terms of Britain’s EU membership need to be renegotiated to reduce regulatory burdens (14%), with the remaining 10% agreeing that the PM should put his efforts into an all-out exit from the EU.
Of the remaining of respondents, 9% thought the PM was merely posturing and 2% did not agree with the options presented to them.
Chancellor backs third runway at Heathrow
The decision to develop LHR plus LGW and Luton will reinforce the need for travel to/from these locations from elsewhere in the country. Has any real...