We received one of our strongest ever responses to last week’s poll, with 1843 responses and in interesting spread of opinion. Very few respondents, only 2 per cent, thought that incidents such as the Shoreham crash were inevitable, and that the aerobatics ban should be permanent. However, the largest group of respondents, 45 per cent, thought that the aerobatics ban should be extended to all aircraft, rather than only applying to vintage planes. Slightly fewer, 39 per cent, thought the ban an overreaction and called for a wait until the results of an enquiry were known before calling a halt to aerobatics, while 13 per cent thought that restrictions on the location of aerobatic displays should be tightened. Just 1 per cent declined to pick an option.
Please continue to send us your opionions on this subject.
C2I 2024 STEM initiative winner: Weston College
In my first year at a ´Technical Grammar´ School age 11 the metalwork curriculum included making a number of small projects using lathe, pedestal...