The Carisbrooke - Essex Partnership, a development partnership between Carisbrooke Alliance and The University of Essex, has submitted a planning application for the University of Essex Research Park, which aims to bring highly-skilled jobs to Colchester.
The Park is to be constructed on 43 acres of land adjoining the campus of the University of Essex on the eastern side of Colchester. It will accommodate new high technology businesses as well as a other commercial companies that require office space in the Colchester area. It is expected that over 2,000 jobs will be created on the Park.
Tony Rich, Registrar of the University of Essex said that the addition to the campus will enable the University to place spin-out companies alongside academic departments and to develop collaboration with industry to bring more highly skilled jobs to Colchester.
The development , when complete, will contain about 400,000 square feet of office space within a landscaped environment, about 200 private houses and flats, and space for more than 1,000 student study bedrooms to meet the future accommodation needs of the University.
The private housing land will be sold at the commencement of the project to fund the investment in infrastructure required to open up the site.
The Partnership is hoping that planning permission will be granted early in the New Year.
Onshore wind and grid queue targeted in 2030 energy plan
We need to compare the cost of storage with SMR cost. Rolls Royce are saying £3.8m/MW. A flow battery might cost £100,000/MWh. If we say we need...