Global Power Group, a subsidiary of Foster Wheeler, has been awarded a contract by Soderenergi for a bio-fuelled combined heat and power (CHP) boiler in
The Igelsta CHP plant will be equipped with a 240 megawatt thermal circulating fluidised-bed (CFB) boiler and equipment, which will make it the largest bio-fuelled CHP in
As well as supplying the boiler, Foster Wheeler will carry out the construction and commissioning of the boiler island. The boiler will be designed to burn biomass fuels, demolition wood and refuse extracted fuels.
The new boiler is expected to start operating at the end of 2009.
Boom goes supersonic with XB-1 jet
Judging by the size of the cockpit it doesn't carry many passengers. The US is about 50 years late, and it still has to develop a passenger...